How do we read in English?

2011-04-04 5:26 am
How do we read in English?
1.) 0.7
2.) 0.52

回答 (4)

2011-04-04 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.) 0.7
zero point seven; or
point seven.

2.) 0.52
zero point five two; or
point five two

*it's okay to say "zero point fifty two or point fifty two", but usually the portion after the decimal point are read out individually. For example, for 0.521, we will read it as "zero point five two one, or "point five two one", but not "zero point five hundred and twenty one" or "point five hundred and twenty one".

2011-04-04 03:14:49 補充:
The portion before the decimal point is usually read as a whole number. For example, 20.52 is read as "Twenty point five two", although "Two Zero point five two" is also acceptable.
參考: my past learning
2011-04-05 1:03 am
1) 0.7 = nought point seven

2) 0.52 = nought point five two

Note:- we usually call 0 as "nought" before a decimal point
2011-04-04 5:33 pm
1.) 0.7= zero point seven or point seven

2.) 0.52 = zero point five two or point five two
2011-04-04 6:08 am
0.7===zero point seven;or minus seven
0.52===zero point fifty two;or minus fifty two;

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:53:48
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