
2011-04-04 4:27 am

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2011-04-05 3:48 am
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Correction tape is an alternative to correction fluid used to correct mistakes during typing, or, in some forms, handwriting. One side of the tape, which is placed against the error, is coated in a white, opaque masking material. Pressure applied to the other side of the tape transfers this material to the paper. It is sold as short pieces of tape, or as long rolls to be used in typewriters, which apply sudden pressure when a key is struck, and can therefore apply the masking material in exactly the same shape and position as the erroneous character. Some versions of correction tape are sold in separate dispensers that are used to roll the tape onto paper directly, sometimes known as a correction mouse. The IBM Selectric typewriter also offered a "correction tape" that was actually a lift-off tape for use with its carbon film typewriter ribbons. As it is solid, correction tape is not subject to misuse as an inhalant, unlike most correction fluids.


修正液,又稱塗改液,是一種白色不透明的顏料,塗抹在紙上以遮蓋錯字,乾涸後可於其上重新書寫。修正液傳統上用小瓶子來包裝,瓶蓋附帶一支小掃帚或者三角形的發泡塑膠浸在改錯液裏面。由於修正液揮發性極高、乾涸速度快,未用完的修正液留在瓶裏容易變得太濃稠而難以使用,因此修正液製造商通常也會附帶售賣稀釋劑。修正液在電腦的文字處理器軟件被發明之前,讓打字或寫作的工作變得更加方便。修正液於1951年由美國秘書貝蒂·奈史密斯·格萊姆(Bette Nesmith Graham)發明。筆型修正液近年開始出現筆型的修正液,筆管內裝有彈簧,將筆尖按在紙張上可溢出修正液,這比掃帚型更能平均地塗出,也不會像瓶裝的容易乾涸。修正液成分的主要溶劑可分為三類:三氯乙烷、甲基環己烷、環己烷,其毒性危害的強弱和濃度成正比。


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