插班 (DGS的問題)

2011-04-04 3:51 am
我依家讀緊某港島區(唔係st.paul)名校 田徑D1 成績都係band 1 (學校)
我成績就top 25% (全級2xx人)
我玩開田徑, 但升左中學之後冇乜點練, 同小學成績差唔多..
但我唔鍾意間中學, 所以一直都想轉去dgs, 上年考過但唔得,因為上年成績麻麻+學界唔好.
今年單項第9, 入唔到final, 但我想試吓考, 因為好想入, 聽其他教練講話有教練可以幫我手,如果覺得我okay..

好urgent,, 因為我要考慮其他學校...
please用心答 thanks

回答 (2)

2011-04-08 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

I suggest you to apply once again this year for a change.

Studying in an unhappy environment is not joyful and harmful to the personal growth of a young generation.Just this reason could I decide to convince you a change as early as possible, like applying their S.3 or S.4 level.

Since DGS is a DSS ( Direct Subsidy School ), it will intake students in different levels with special talents, like good performance in sports competition, extra curricular activities, speech, orchestra, etc. Your listed info. shows your good sports talent and I think you need to make it the best selling point in writing your self-recommendation letter. I am quite confident you can at least earn a chance of interview, and your oral interview will determine your real chance of school transfer.

Hope I can help you and I hope you can succeed.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2014-06-11 9:24 pm
看到您為別人的回复貼心又鼓勵。請教您一問題,我女5月份申請插班DGSF3,剛收到考試信,下個星期六就要考,但她現在的學校也在考試中,不能准備插班試。請問,是否只要遞申請表格,學校就會通知來考試?還是Screened之後,才通知來考試?我女的小學同學目前是DGS GlRL,她說,只要遞插班表格,都會來考試。這和我以前聽到的不一樣,是今年改了嗎?打擾你,萬分感謝。

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