about grammar !! plz help

2011-04-04 3:44 am
我想問 "take a look "on"/"at" or "of"係點用and
1) There(website) are many lessons by using different mediums.
我想講有個網入邊有d lessons係教人畫畫, 而個好多 lessons 係用唔同既顏料(媒介) 唔好改哂成句,靜係replace "by" 個個位, 應該用咩perposition??
2) If student want to improve their drawing skills, they could take a look with the Drawing for beginners or students and they would find that it can teach them a lot of things.
"Drawing for beginners or students "係網入邊既野

thank you :))

thank you 但係呢, 如果我句句子一定要There are many lessons __ using different media 咁應該點??因為我好似都試過用with 但係都錯 另外呢我可以點樣改如果唔用"thing"? 點樣可以high level d同埋學eng學得好d? thank you so much:) u are a teacher?

回答 (3)

2011-04-04 11:07 am
(1) "take a look "on"/"at" or "of"係點用
The preposition after "Take a look" should be "at", not "on" or "of".
e.g. Please take a look at the samples and let me know if you like the style and colour.
"take a look at (something)" means "look at (something) briefly.

(2) There(website) are many lessons by using different mediums.
First of all, "mediums (or media) here refer to "drawing", not the lessons. Therefore, the sentence can be "There are many lessons on (or about) drawing with (or using) different mediums (or media)".

(3) If student want to improve their drawing skills, they could take a look with the Drawing for beginners or students and they would find that it can teach them a lot of things.

My suggestion is:
If students want to improve their drawing skills, they could take a look at the "drawing for beginners or students" Websites, and would find that they can learn a lot from these lessons".

*in this sentence, you can avoid using "things" by not using it at all, because the first part of the sentence already defines whtat theses "things" are, being "the knowledge to improve their drawing skills".

Regarding moving from "basic" to "advanced" English skills, avoiding the use of "things" etc. is not as important as making sure the choice of words is not out of context. For example, if there is a misunderstanding that "media" refers to the way the lessons are presented, rather than the materials (and the bases) for the drawing, then the wrong verbs and prepositions will be used, which may be grammatically correct, but will convey the wrong meaning.
參考: My past learning
2011-04-04 5:09 am
1. There are many lessons about using different mediums. 2. If students want to improve their drawing skills, they could take a look at the "Drawing for Bignners or Students", so they would learn a lot from this website.

2011-04-03 21:50:55 補充:
發問者 : In the first sentence, "mediums" or "media" can be used.
2011-04-04 4:47 am
1) There are many lessons with different media .

(or) There are many lessons that use different media .

(媒介) 複數係 media (NOT mediums)

2) If students want to improve their drawing skills, they could take a look at the Drawing and they would find that it can teach them a lot of things.

(or) If students wish to improve their drawing skills, they could look at the Drawing and they should be able to learn a lot from it.

2011-04-03 20:55:22 補充:
"teach them a lot of things" - although grammar is correct, it shows a very basic level of English. For higher level of English, always try to avoid using the word 'thing'.
參考: teacher, me

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