help me to download a song

2011-04-03 6:40 pm
i want a song call '我愛他-丁噹'
plz send to my mail after download thx
20 point!!!!!!

i need the whole song and it mp3 thx


re cal******, i can't download any song at home ah!!!!

回答 (4)

2011-04-13 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
i have the song that you want but what is your email?

2011-04-15 18:50:48 補充:
DONE . check your email , PLZ!
2011-04-18 3:05 am
參考: youtube+sendspace
2011-04-13 5:03 am
download foxy lo!
2011-04-03 6:58 pm
打'我愛他-丁噹' 响yahoo搜尋

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