
2011-04-03 4:27 pm
我寫緊履歷表, 以下係我工作既一部份,寫得啱唔啱?

A Part of A/R & A/P job duties:

Issue DN/Invoice/Collection Note
Issue Credit Note
Record Daily Cheque (呢個即係d客人寄票找數比我公司,咁我要記錄返)
Issue Receipt
Mail Invoice
Input Supplier/Vendor Invoice
Purchasing Card
Calculate Transportation Fee
Issue Statement
Chase Client Outstanding
Issue Courier Sheet

回答 (2)

2011-04-03 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Below are my duties related to A/R and A/P:

(1) Issue and mail Debit Note, Credit Note, Collection Note,Invoice, Receipt, Statement and Courier Sheet ;
(2) Record Purchasing Card and cheques issued by customers ;
(3) Follow up customers' outstanding balance;
(4) and Calculate Transportation fees.

2011-04-03 19:12:49 補充:
Remarks : (1) Accounts Receivable(A/R) ;( 2) Accounts Payable(A/P)
2011-04-04 2:57 am
緊履歷表, 以下係我工作既一部份,寫得啱唔啱?ils

Below are my daily duty details in A/R & A/P.

Issue DN/Invoice/Collection Note
Issue Credit Note
Record daily incoming cheques(呢個即係d客人寄票找數比我公司,咁我要記錄返)
Issue Receipt
Mail Invoice
Input Supplier/Vendor Invoice
Purchasing Card
Calculate Transportation Fee
Issue Statement
Chase Client Outstanding
Issue Courier Sheet

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:09:34
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