pastperfect同present perfect既分別

2011-04-03 6:23 am
past perfect TENSE同present perfect TENSE既分別(用法上)舉例子plz

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2011-04-03 9:32 pm
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Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式)

當我們想表達一個比 Simple Past Tense 更早發生的動作時,就會用上 Past Perfect Tense 或 Past Perfect Continuous Tense,現在先說 Past Perfect Tense。
這個 Past Perfect Tense 與 Present Perfect Tense 雖然名字很相似,但是用法卻有一點兒不同。Past Perfect Tense 不需要像 Present Perfect Tense 般注意什麼 "有沒有準確時間",只要在相比下較 Simple Past Tense 早,便可以交給它去辦了。

E.g.:We were there at 9:00 a.m., but the bus had gone.
E.g.:I studied hard in library yesterday afternoon, because I had got a very bad result. If I don't work hard now, I will fail again.

E.g.:He had left ten minutes ago.
E.g.:He left ten minutes ago.


這是一個對 Tenses 不熟識的考生常犯的錯誤,如果你對 Tenses 已經很有信心,請耐心地再聽多次吧,因為我喜歡 "有殺錯,冇放過…"。還記得之前我們說過,Past Perfect Tense 是一個動作比 Simple Past Tense 還要早時便可用得著嗎?因此如果要用 Past Perfect Tense,先決條件就是要有比較,那麼你應該有一個問題了:從上面的例子中,不是已經有了比較嗎?"十分鐘" 嘛!…

但其實這比較並不是 Verb to Noun, Verb to Preposition…etc(i.e. 不是與詞意相比),而是與 動詞 相比。再再再再簡單點來說,就是用 Past Perfect 之前,必須有一個 Simple Past Tense 作為其比較對象。

相反地,如果我們 "包咬頸",一定要用 "Ten minutes ago" 作比較!那麼問題便會發生了。因為單單一個時間副詞:"Ago, Before…etc"並不代表比某個時間前,反之,從以上例子中,我們應該把整件事視為一個 Simple Past Tense。因 "Ten minutes ago" 是過去了,"Twenty minutes ago" 又是過去了,在沒有 動詞 比較之下,又怎能斷定是不是比 Simple Past Tense 早呢?想一想是不是?所以並不需要畫蛇添足。


1. 當一個動作於另一個動作後 "隨即發生",我們就會兩個動作都同時用 Simple Past Tense,以表達它們迫切性。不過,這一個用法一般都較少人會注意。

E.g.:When the thief saw the policeman, he ran away.

2. 當一句 clause 以 "Before, After, Until…etc" 這些 Conjunction(連接詞)作開頭時,我們就可以用 Past Perfect Tense 或 Simple Past Tense,隨你喜歡。

E.g.:After she took/had taken a shower, she started to do her homework.


2011-04-03 13:33:37 補充:
Present Perfect Tense 的用法:

a) 表示剛完成的動作

e.g. I have just finished my homework.

b) 表示未有指明時間而已過去的動作

e.g. I have bought a car.

c) 表示在一個未過去的時段內發生的動作

e.g. I have called May three times this morning. ( 說話的時候仍然是上午 )

2011-04-03 13:34:03 補充:
d) 表示在過去開始並維持至現在的動作

e.g. I have lived here for five years. ( 五年前開始住在這裡,現在仍住在這裡 )

e) 談及個人經歷

e.g. I have been to Japan twice. ( 到目前為止去過兩次,將來可能會再去 )

2011-04-03 13:34:31 補充:
參考資料: 1995 (網上)
2011-04-04 12:56 am
past perfect TENSE = normally it is used when there are two action taken places in the past - definite time is shown.

I had finished my homework when you called yesterday.
We had just finished our dinner when you called last night.

present perfect TENSE
I have finished my homework - something has already happened until now.

We have just finished our dinner.
I have finished my homework before your visit.
I have just finished my hormework before you come in.
After I have finished my homework, I can watch TV.

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