dfinite integration

2011-04-03 5:52 am
Using theproperty of odd / even function, evaluate ∫[(e^x) –xe^(x^4)]dx [-3,3]

[(e^x) dx 係 even function?

回答 (1)

2011-04-03 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider xex^4 is odd function, we have:

∫ (-3 → 3) xex^4 dx = 0 and hence:

∫ (-3 → 3) ex - xex^4 dx = ∫ (-3 → 3) ex dx = e3 - e-3

2011-04-04 08:36:39 補充:
No, it is neither even nor odd.
So the integration remains e^x
參考: 原創答案

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