F.5 math~probability(1)

2011-04-03 2:25 am

4 girls and 8 boys are arranged in a row at random. Find the probability that any 2 girls do not stand next to each other.


There are 24 apples in box A, of which 6 are rottten. There are 24 apples in box B, of which 4 are rotten. 6 apples are selected at random from these apples. Given that exactly 2 apples selected are rotten, find the probability that both of the 2 rotten apples are from box A.

回答 (2)

2011-04-07 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(2) Total no. of apples = 24 + 24 = 48
P(2 rotten apples are from box A) = 6/48 X 5/47
= 5/376 or 0.013
2011-04-03 3:08 am
(1) (1/10)*(1/6)+(2/12)*(1/8)=3/80

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