
2011-04-02 6:17 pm

回答 (3)

2011-04-12 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

I also appreciate your good results in your primary level study and also your active participation in the extra curricular activities, orchestra, sports, etc.

Heep Wo is a bottom Band 1 school now in Wong Tai Sin District. With limited information you offer, I cannot tell you the exact chance because I do not know the name of your primary school, the level of your primary school, the district of your primary school, etc.

But I can tell you that if you really want to enter Heep Wo, you should achieve the following:

1) Make yourself the top 7 in your primary school level.

2) Get external awards from inter-school competitions.

3) Have active participation in ECAs these 2 years.

The school would like to intake one student who is excellent in academic results, with contribution to the schools in as many aspects as possible like winning awards. That is why I list the three conditions above for you to consider and set as your own targets.

I also suggest to discuss with your own class teachers and use your exam results to analyze the chance of entry, and also consider other possible good schools in your territory.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-04-08 9:56 pm
以你E家成績有好大機會入, 不過近年我地學校既收生人數多左好多
據我地校長話門檻高左, 不過我吾清楚你果間咩學校

除左課外活動, 成績一定要好!! (以前校長睇重課外活動, E家新校長睇重成績多D)
參考: 係協和讀緊書
2011-04-02 6:33 pm
參考: ME

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