What should I do in this situation?

2011-04-01 11:04 pm
Okay, gang. I have interested in a girl I have same class with. We talk every time we see each other, and she is really pretty (IMO). I really want to ask her out, but I don't know if she's single or not. I know, I know, observe her behaviors, right? I did everything! The only thing that I can't quite figure out yet is she has a ring on her fourth finger, but it seems different every time I see her as if she has several rings for fashion (God, I hope so). Should I ask her out next weekend or should I investigate more?

IMO= In My Opinion :D


I don't think it'd be awkward if she said no, though. I'd shrug off and continue to pursue her. We seem like having a common taste in movies. Sometimes I just mention of a movie and she's already watched, and loved it. Most of the time, she agrees to what I think/say. Maybe it's just my imagination xD

回答 (5)

2011-04-01 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a confusing situation but don't fret :) I think you should investigate further; start seeing her outside of class as friends at first - say you've heard of a good movie or something (probably not as cheesey as I just put it) and find out more about her.And for the ring situation, if the ring seems to be different every time you see it then she surely can't be engaged (let's hope not). Once you know for a definite that she is single and seems to like you enough to go out with you as friends, ask her out! I really hope everything goes well! Good luck :)
2011-04-02 6:31 am
don't let the chance pass you by
2011-04-02 6:08 am
The rings are probably just fashion. What's IMO ? if you like her ask her out three things may happen 1.she says yes and you go out.
2.she says no.you feel sad but you get over it
3.she says sorry i have a boyfriend.it's a pity. you get over it.

if you don't ask you'll never know.She will be the One That Got Away and you'll drive yourself crazy with what -ifs-?so do yourself a favour and let her know.
2011-04-02 6:06 am
Just ask her
2011-04-02 6:06 am
I would do some more investigating
Only because you don't want to make it awkward and possibly ruin your friendship if she does

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