My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 months now and he says he loves me and I turn him on and such, well theres one problem, he won't have sex with me. I don't understand why we have been "together" a couple of times and he likes to mess around with me but when it comes down to it he always comes up with an excuse, like "My stomach hurts" or "Im not really in a touchy mood" and so on but what doesn't make sense is he is always turned on or in a touchy mood. Why does he keep teasing me? he will make nice plans to go have special time and then every single time he lets me down like hes teasing me and leading me on...why would he do this i really do not understand.. Please help!
No hes not religious and he acts like he wants to wait but still we have had sex before so that doesn't make sense, and he cant be getting it from anyone cause im around him almost all the time if he isn't at work with his parents