Do athletic guys want equally athletic girlfriends? 10 points?

2011-04-01 10:58 pm
Okay so I used to be a Gymnast, I was very good, I could do a few olympic level tricks but gymnastics isn't a sport that you can do forever. I dedicated my entire youth to a sport that now has no value to me. It isn't like baseball or something where you can play at a slower pace even when you are old...gymnastics is all or nothing. I quit 8 years ago and I haven't picked up any other sport. I'm bad at everything involving a ball and I'm so competitive that if I'm not good I'd rather not play.

So the guy I've taken an interest in is athletic to the max, team captain in fairly high level hockey, MVP quarterback in football. He seems good at everything. Rock climbing, skiing and kayaking. You name it he is probably at least better than average at it.

I know that I'm not in the shape I used to be in and I hate that. I'm not fat but I'm not super fit either. My question is whether 'typically' athletic guys what girls as athletic as they are. I used to be but I know I'm not anymore. I feel athletically inferior. What should I do?

Not in High school anymore. But thanks!

回答 (4)

2011-04-01 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well first of all i doubt that boys go out with people because they do sports, they go out with people because they like them and want to get to know them and you should try like ice skating or dancing if you want to do another sporty activity or even try doing some more gymnastics, but don't give up your life for it. hope i helped:)
2011-04-02 7:01 am
Not really for me~~
i am kind of athletic, i play soccer .
i wouldn't want my gf to play soccer , other sports are ok
but everybody have different opinion
2011-04-02 6:34 am
I do believe athletic guys prefer athletic girlfriends. I know my boyfriend does at least. I dont think he has been with any girl who wasn't active in some kind of sport.
2011-04-02 5:59 am
hey look everyone a girl has a crush on the school quarterback

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