Inequalities&linear program

2011-04-02 7:37 am

A company produces two brands, A and B , of mixed nuts by putting peanuts and almonds together . A packet of brand A mixed nuts contains 40g of peanuts and 10g of almonds. A packets of brand B mixed nuts contains 30g of peanuts and 25g of almonds. The company has 2400kg of peanuts , 1200 kg of almonds and 70 carton boxes.Each carton box can pack 1000 brand A packets or 800 brand B packets.

The profits gennerated by a box of brand A mixed nuts and a box of brand B mixed nuts are$800 and $1000 respectively. suppose x boxes of brand A mixed nuts and y boxes of brand B mixed nuts produced.

它每一包nuts的單位是 packet , 但它設x,y的單位是box . 那如何set constraints?
請幫我找出constraints (請解釋)
及objective function是否 P=800x+1000y?


回答 (1)

2011-04-02 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Max z = 800x + 1000y

0.04(1000x) + 0.03(800y) <= 2400

0.01(1000x) + 0.025(800y) <= 1200

x + y <= 70

x,y >=0 and both are integrers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 14:06:57
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