
2011-04-01 7:42 pm
我仔仔今年3歲,之前有送過距去個D公XX學英文,希望遲D幫到升小學啦。不過距好唔中意,次次上堂都喊住唔想去。有朋友同我講話可以試下個D playgroup學英文,叫我去ABC Pathways試下,因為上堂好似玩甘。我想問下呢間野好唔好架?我唔想成日試完唔好又轉要仔仔再適應多次個新環境呀!

回答 (7)

2012-12-11 5:19 pm

2011-04-13 8:45 pm
2011-04-12 7:43 pm
而且訓練到唔怕外國人啦,起街見到都去同人say hi
2011-04-11 7:06 pm
i have tried a few in HK island side... some do music like My music box...but my B don't like play instrument >_< .... some do flashcards... like kinder U in Causeway and Little Playgroup in Tai Koo MTR... well so far i have joined the Little Playgroup for long .. cos i think they ar more fun.. pretty good...can learn English pretty fast if my B like to talk ...my B go there 2 times a week lor... their Teacher said 2 days is good enough also... well for her and can at least learn something...like the flashcard xxx... senses xxx.... but they are hard to find cos they are in a club center things call Dunn's education or something?... not sure if thats the name... but u can yahoo their info gei...

well my B is just 1 yr old... but i heard they do 3 year old as well.. not sure.. but you can check

well.. from what i have heard..they don't think it is good to just switch on the English TV and let the kid watch all day (if you really want them to TALK in English) ...because it is just a ''one direction'' thing... kids need ''two'' way excerise for them to USE the english.. well simply... meaning stick your kid with English speaker.. or else ... go playgroup etc.....
參考: playgroup
2011-04-09 5:46 pm
要用動機教學,,,一定要用一d attract佢既野來教佢英文.,好似佢鍾意睇卡通,,你就播d英文卡通比佢,,,再教埋佢點講d英文
2011-04-07 3:42 am
我阿妹上過ABC Pathways, 應該都ok
再唔係你約其他小朋友同你仔仔學, 有個partner會她d架~

不過咁細個學英文最好就係培養d興趣先, 家長身教應該好重要架!

2011-04-06 19:45:37 補充:

仲有, 如果你仔仔鐘意音樂, 可以係youtube搵d video播英文兒歌
又唱又跳, 應該幾得意

2011-04-06 19:49:50 補充:
特別係D電影: 獅子王/ 睡公主/ ......

同埋, 假設你仔仔鐘意食薯片, 咁你比佢食之前可以chips
其他嘢都係咁, 特別係佢會成日見到的嘢, 會易記D
當然一次唔好教咁多, 直到佢識講番比你聽就差5多啦~

2011-04-06 19:53:22 補充:
其實小學又唔係只看英文表現, 學生與他人相處情況都好重要
更何況你個仔依家先3YRS OlD
或者你可以考慮培育好佢一D自立能力, 英文就一邊生活一邊教啦=]

2011-04-09 13:17:04 補充:
sorry: 應該係~同埋, 假設你仔仔鐘意食薯片, 咁你比佢食之前可以「講」chips
其他嘢都係咁, 特別係佢會成日見到的嘢, 會易記D
當然一次唔好教咁多, 直到佢識講番比你聽就差5多啦~

2011-04-02 2:10 pm
only 3 years old?
just let him watch English TV channel all day, those cartone channel are best choice.

2011-04-02 06:11:31 補充:
i let my kids watch those Chinese movies over and over again, now they start understand some Chinese words.

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