英語高手請進: "就" 的英文

2011-04-01 9:42 am
請問 "就" 的英文

例1: 打網球佢會就住你嚟打.

例2: 點解你行路就住就住?

回答 (5)

2011-04-01 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"就" 的英文:

例1: 打網球佢會就住你嚟打.
accommodate(verb) - to allow room for 遷就/就住
He would play tennis in such a way to accommodate your skill level.He would accommodate your skill level when he plays tennis with you.
例2: 點解你行路就住就住?
with great care/cautiously(adverbs) - 好小心/就住就住
verb - take great care
Why are you walking with great care?Why are you walking cautiously?Why do you take great care when you walk?

2011-04-01 16:44:25 補充:
In example one, 就住你has to be considered together in translation, hence "accommodate you" or "accommodate your skill level".
In example two, 點解你行路就住就住?, the same word 'accommodate' can also used in the translation. - Why are you walking as if you are accommodating something?

2011-04-01 16:55:08 補充:
Why are you holding back in your walking pace? 點解你留住力行
But行路就住就住means not just the pace. It probably refers more to the walking gait.

2011-04-02 13:08:15 補充:
"Accommodate your skill level" is commonly used in sports:

2011-04-02 13:24:12 補充:
"accommodating (something)" is used in the following examples:
http://www.pantos.org/atw/35263.html -
.. imperfections, and design to accommodate them. ...
accommodating Visual / Motion Impairments..

http://www.beastskills.com/blog/blog/id/82 -
...accommodates the resistance for the pressing arm...

2011-04-08 09:30:00 補充:
"就" 的英文?
I don't think 就住 means exactly留力.
'Accommodate' is the verb for 遷就/就as shown in the two examples.
It can also be the translation in other situations when 就 is used as a verb.
I don't think 就住 means exactly留力.
2011-04-08 6:47 pm
When playing tennis, he'll play in such a way to keep pace with you.
Why are you staggering along?
2011-04-02 9:35 pm
To MingY:
So you don't know the answer after all ? Lot's of immigrants live in the US, but not everyone can speak good English, let alone write. If I were you, I would keep the embarassment to myself.
2011-04-02 7:09 pm
im not gonna say anything bad to those two previous answers, but theres no direct translation for it, u cant say it. its kinda like a chinese idiom. and DO NOT use what those two answers told u, cuz nobody talk like that, its plain weird. i live in US, TRUST ME if u dont wanna embarrass urself.
2011-04-02 12:00 am


以你的兩個例子,加上我另加一些例子,我想以用hold back來表達這各種情況都90%ok.

He holds back when playing tennis with her...becuase she is a beginner.

Why are you holding back in your walking pace?

How will you succeed if you hold back in everything you do?

He has some learning difficulties, you may have to hold back to suit his learning in tutoring.
參考: 這個pharse是英語中真有的,只是作句子時要「就住」它的寫法和句式位置來作,一般情況(不用特定的動詞來取代「就住」)都可以寫得通這意思的。

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