
2011-04-01 7:36 am


回答 (3)

2011-04-10 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Correction entries
(a) Machinery 11000
Profit and Loss: Repairs 11000
Profit and Loss - prov. for depre. 2200
Provision for depreciation - Machinery 2200

(b) Suspense 1300
Trading: Purchases 650
Trading: Purchases Returns<--本身係要入CR的 650

(c) Suspense 150
Bank 150

(d) Suspense 990
Trial Balance 990

(e) Suspense 2300
Trial Balance 2300

(f) No entries are required

咁所以你個(a) part ge左手邊應該要有以下items:
Trading: Purchases 650
Trading: Purchases Returns<--本身係要入CR的 650
Bank 150
Trial Balance 990
Trial Balance 2300

右邊ge items:
balance b/f 4740

出黎係無balance c/f的

到(b) part
**statement to correct GP
Balance before Adjustment 41400
Add: Purchase returns wrongly debited to Purchases 1300
Balance after Adjustment 42700

** statement to correct NP
Balance before adjustment 7300
Add: increase in GP 1300
purchase of machinery wrongly debited to repairs 11000
discounts received understate 990
Less: Provision for depreciation - machinery 2200
Balance after Adjustment 18390

**statement to correct WC
Balance before adjustment 16100
Less: Payment of postage omitted in bank 150
Bank overdraft worngly entered as debit 2300
Accounts payable repaided within 12 mth increase 5000
Balance after Adjustment 8650

**statement to correct FA
Balance before adjustment 118000
Add: Machinery wrongly treated as repairs 11000
Less: provision for depreciation on machinery 2200

參考: 自己
2011-04-04 1:20 am
You transfer the following double entries to suspense account by yourself.Stillbid Ltd: The general journalDetailsDebitCreditMachinery P & L: Repair Expenses $11,000 $11,000P&L: Return outwards P&L: Purchases$650 $650Suspense Bank$150 $150Trial Balance: Discount received ($1,100 - $110) Suspense$990 $990Suspense Trial Balance: Bank overdraft$1,150 $1,150P&L: Depreciation of Machinery ($11,000 × 0.2) Accumulated Depreciation$2,200
$2,200Amounts repayable (More than 1 yr) Accrued expenses$5000
$5,000 Note: No guarantee the accuracy of the above answers. Please calculate the revised gross profit, net profit, fixed assets and working capital on your own. I am sure you are able to work them out after providing the double entries.
參考: My accounting ability
2011-04-02 1:49 am
坦白說, 筆者, 對會計知識, 略懂一、二。
只得5分回饋? 太少了。回答這題目, 是不具成本效益的。

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 00:20:38
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