一句近似Passive Voice 但又沒有 Be 的句子

2011-03-31 1:18 pm
唔該 我想問一下

Addicts given hope by angel out of uniform

喺呢句入面 點解可以唔駛加 was 都得既? 可唔可以詳細少少解一下呀? 唔該~

P.S. 呢句係黎自 The Standard 其中一篇News 既Heading

回答 (4)

2011-03-31 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Addicts given hope by angel out of uniform

As a sentence, the above is grammatically incorrect, because the past participle "given" loses its function as a main verb in the passive voice if the auxiliary verb (are, were, have been etc.) is omitted or hidden. A sentence without a main verb is a fragment, or a phrase.

However, as you have indicated, it was the heading of a newspaper article, and a heading need not be a complete sentence. Phrases and fragments are frequently used in newspaer headings, and that was exactly what you saw in your example.

Therefore, as others have pointed out, in order to make it a complete sentence, an auxiliary verb such as "are" or "were" must be inserted in front of "given", to form a main verb in the passive voice.
E.G. Addicts were given hope by angel out of uniform.

Alternatively, it can be used as a (past participle) nourn phrase to form the subject of a complete sentence.
E.G. Addicts given hope by angel out of uniform are starting to turn their life around.

參考: My past learning
2011-04-02 8:50 pm
好簡單, 這絕對不是一個完整句子而係一個NOUN CLAUSE. 但是用作標題可以係一個完整句子也可以係名詞子句.

其實同中文也相似, 以名詞作標題:美麗的世界/我的志願/倒霉的一天
以一個完整句子作標題: 我欣賞的人/我喜歡的老師/我立志要做醫生.
2011-03-31 9:07 pm
Addicts (which were) given hope by angels out of uniform

It should be a noun clause.

by Jeffrey

2011-03-31 5:29 pm
Must read the hidden word - are/were

Addicts (were) given hope by angels out of uniform

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