A good, controversial topic?

2011-03-29 11:53 pm
Hi, I'm now taking this business ethics class, and I need to write a report that's related to business ethics. I can't come up with a good topic. Can someone shed some light? I also want it to be controversial, which there is no right or wrong answer so that I can discuss this in class with classmates. Thanks

回答 (5)

2011-03-30 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Genetically modified food is a controversial topic. There is a documentary on how research is funded by the industry. Here is a quote:

"Today, 95 per cent of research into genetic engineering is paid for by industry interests and objectivity, supposedly the very core of scientific discipline, is a likely casualty. So can we, the public, still trust our scientists?"

If interested, you can watch it here: http://rt.com/programs/documentary/2011-02-23/
2016-04-30 4:26 pm
Don't do the same old abortion, gay marriage. Do something orginal. Here is a list of topics: Controversial Issues Gambling Adoption Pornography Affirmative Action Alcohol Prayer In Public Schools Animal Experimentation Gun Control Goverment provided Health Care Capital Punishment (the death penalty) Sex Education in Public Schools Censorship Immigration Smoking Rights verses Right to breathe fresh air Cloning Internet Privacy Stem Cells Juvenile Offenders being tried as adults Media Violence Drug Legalization Welfare Privacy to Celebritys -How much do they have give up for the price of fame? Women In The Military Euthanasia (right to die)
2011-03-30 12:11 am
Religion is the business that hides behinds God to save on taxes....
2011-03-30 12:00 am
"Education in America" ( Or the Lack of It.). -And Why Businessmen in Other Countries are Smarter than We are. :(
2011-03-29 11:55 pm
fair or not fair.

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