Upset stomach from Ibuprofen?

2011-03-29 2:45 pm
I normally have a pretty strong stomach. I have chronic back pain and I have been taking 8-12 advil daily for about a month. I know it is no good and I try and alternate with Tylenol and I take a pepcid with the advil, but until we figure the pain out my doctor said as long as I wait six hours I should be fine. My stomach is getting queasy very easily lately... probably because of a weak stomach lining.
What are foods that I should stay away from?
Thanks Much

Also... I do take food with the pills no matter what.

回答 (8)

2011-03-29 2:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need to eat when you take the ibuprofen. Try six small meals. Spicy and acid foods will also cause the problem. You can get prescription ibuprofen in the 600mg or 800mg. Since they are aspirin based, yu can take Tylenol on opposite times such as ibuprofen every six and Tylenol on the 3 and 9 times. Go with a protein snack with the pills.
2011-03-29 2:54 pm
You need to be taking the ibuprofen with food to avoid stomach upset. The Pepcid won't help at all in this case. Even just a few slices of toast will help.
參考: Pharmacist
2016-12-11 6:44 pm
Ibuprofen Stomach Upset
2016-11-14 8:53 am
Ibuprofen Upset Stomach
2016-04-01 8:42 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

Ibuprofen has been known to cause an upset stomach, so be careful not to exacerbate might help to have pudding, apple sauce or yogurt with the medication to reduce the risk of upsetting your stomach.
2015-08-17 6:06 am
This Site Might Help You.

Upset stomach from Ibuprofen?
I normally have a pretty strong stomach. I have chronic back pain and I have been taking 8-12 advil daily for about a month. I know it is no good and I try and alternate with Tylenol and I take a pepcid with the advil, but until we figure the pain out my doctor said as long as I wait six hours I...
參考: upset stomach ibuprofen:
2011-03-30 7:13 am
it's not just food that you should stay away from. reduce your acohol consumption, smoking, spicy food consumption and last but not least anything acidic.
2011-03-29 2:48 pm
Stay away from acid foods or those the digestion of which requires high stomach acidity. See a list at:

Also - discuss with your doctor.
2011-03-29 2:47 pm
Anything acidic
2011-03-29 3:22 pm
yes , it causes gastritis/gastric discomfort.

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