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2011-03-30 6:37 am
== 辭職致謝信==

對不起!6月15日將會離開 (XXX公司名稱)。

今年是我在 (XXX公司名稱) 的大家庭裡 進入第10年了,





回答 (6)

2011-03-31 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

A Thank You Note on My Resignation I would like to inform you that I will be leaving this Company on 15 June 2011. In recalling my first day working here, I was only 16, I was so green, but since then I'd grown well into adulthood, got married, and learnt so many useful skills, developed my work ethics and established the sense to be dependable. By the way, today is my birthday. This is the tenth year since I joined this Company. In just a flash, I have turned 26. I enjoyed the good time and hard time working here. The team spirit here had motivated me through the tough working hours! I will go to Europe with my wife after my last day of work. Then I'll look for a new job after trip. I sincerely appreciate all your support and encouragement along the way. Thank you so much and I will cherish the memories I've had with you all.
2011-03-30 9:39 pm
I regret to inform you that I am leaving xxx on 15 June.

This is my 10th year in the family of XXX Company. When I joined the company at age 16, I was young and naive. Now I have developed my knowledge, integrity and responsibility. As time flies by, today is my 26th birthday. I enjoy all the happiness or sorrow in my work. Moreover, I enjoy the teamwork with my colleagues. It's sweet in my heart although more tough! After resignation, I will be traveling Western Europe with my wife and then searching for a new job. Herein, I give a 45 degree bow to thank for your support and encouragement. I will remember this precious fargments in my life.
參考: me
2011-03-30 8:52 pm
~Resignation letter of appreciation~

I hereby appologise that i will be leaving xxx company on 15th june.

This year will be the tenth year that i have gotten into the xxx company.Thinking about the first day when i stepped in to this company, silly me, i was only 16. However when time slowly gone by, i have grown up, i have got married, most importantly i have learnt to be a responsible and trustful person and also many other useful knowledge.

Today is my birthday in which i will be turning 26. In this 10 years i enjoyed my work a lot, i enjoyed the team work with my colleagues. No matter how hard it is.

After my resignation, i will be travelling to Europe with my wife and will also be looking for my new career.
I hereby sincerely thank you for all your encouragement and support to me.I will never forget all the precious moment.
2011-03-30 8:43 pm
I feel sorry to leave XXX company on 15thJune.
I have been working for this company for 10years. Remember the first day I entered, I was only a childish 16-year-old boy.In these 10 years, I grew up a lot and also got married, I learnt a lot throughthis time including the knowledge, honesty and responsibility.
Today is my 26-year-old birthday, I reallyenjoy the time in this job, both happiness and hardness, especially the teamspirit, even the toughness brought me a lovely memory.
After the resignation, I will travel aroundthe western countries with my wife, and search for a new job afterward.
After all, I must offer my heartfelt thanksto all those people who supported and encouraged me through all these years. Iwill never forget this precious memory in my lifetime.
<<如有翻譯得唔好既地方, 請見諒.>>
2011-03-30 9:10 am
==Resignation latter of thanks==

I am sorry about that i will leave the XXX company on June 15.

This year was my 10 years in XXX company's family.

Recall i was 16, i be a naive boy to join the comapny. I were brought up with knowledge, integrity and resposibility.

Uwittingly, i am 26 on today, my birthday. I enjoy me work, I enjoy my job whatever happy or sorrow. Moreover, i most enjoy the team work with the colleague, it's sweet in my heart although more tough!

After resignation, i will travel to Western Europe and search to new job

Herein, I bow 45 degree for thanks your support and encourage. I must remember this precious fargments in my life.
2011-03-30 7:17 am
I am sorry/_\At15/6 i will leave XXXX

I have already gotten in XXXX for 10 years

When i get in this company,i so silly and only 16.Day by day,i grew up and got married.I learned useful knowledge,honest and responsibility...

Today is my Birthday,i have 26 now.In this 10 years,i enjoy in my work and relate with other colleagues.No matter how toilsome,i am still cheerful.

After leaving job,i will go trip to Western Europe with my wife and strive to find job.

In addition,i am to approach your 45 many thanks for you ,thank for your encouragement and supporting.I never forget this memory^v^
參考: ME

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