高階文法 (prep + n)

2011-03-29 8:03 am
prep + n 可被視為adj 去修飾一名詞

以下句子Grammer 是否正確?
1. This task is of higher priority than the assigned one.
2. I would like to work in an office of better office management.

在用prep + n的時候, 是否有用法的限制呢?
1. 只適於用某些名詞
2. of 並不能用於所有名詞
3. 當中的prep必需以所用名詞而定


回答 (3)

2011-03-29 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. This task is of higher priority than the assigned one. 正確

( = This task has a higher priority than the assigned one )

2. I would like to work in an office of better office management. 不好

I would like to work in an office with better office management 好D

I would like to work in an office with better management. 最好
(because 'office' is understood)

在用preposition 和 noun , 完全没有用法的限制


on the house
to the house
for the house
under the house
over the house
from the house
with the house

They all have different meanings.
參考: teacher
2011-03-30 2:48 am
preposition +noun 没有用法的限制並不是指怎樣配搭也同一個意思或英語人會明白,首先你要掌握好那些prep一般所代表或使用的作用(在詞句之間的意思),


2. I would like to work in an office of better office management. 不好
雖然不好, 但是不是Grammer 正確? 鬼佬會看得明嗎?

答案是grammar是錯的,因為你用了一個在這句子的表達上英語沒有這樣用法的prep。不是說of better這prep phrase不存在,這寫/講法是存在的,但是構成這句的前文(an office)和後文(office management)之間的關係則沒有of better這種講法了。

原因是of本身的意思是「屬於」或「就是」,而an office 跟 office management之間的關係的好壞(better/worse)並不是附屬或本質(就是)的關係。加上另一個文法原則是better/worse是比較詞,加了of仍是以作比較(than)才設合文法和意思。

我設一句例子用be better讓你明白甚麼才是of better:

This car is of better quality than I thought.

意思是「這汽車的品質比我想像中好」,由於你是將品質的「現實」(quality OF the car)跟你的「想像」比較,所以英語人會以prep+...來表達作出比較的noun(quality)所屬的(of)主體(car)來描寫來突出quality的better意思。當然平平的寫法便是:The quality of this car is better than I thought.亦文法正確,但感覺就是表示一個事實而不是表達感受。

2011-03-29 8:20 pm

我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^

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