今日我媽去左做婦產科定期覆診,醫生跟她說子宮有粒野..細粒,但入面有血絲,醫生說要做手術去驗下良性or 惡性.4月12日將會去私家,快d,.2日後有報告.講得咁急,真係好驚!!我都覺得好奇怪,未夠一年前(舊年5月驗),佢地都話入面無野,好清,但點解未夠一年就出現咁既情況..好突然.我想問下普通既子宮肌瘤係咪都要做手術?做婦產科驗查時看不到既咩?我知道如是息肉就即刻會知..
我媽51ages,接近收經,差不多有一年無黎m了,但有時又出小小血咁,問過佢無臭味,無血絲,無減磅,但有高血壓.真係都唔夠一年既事...小女想問下會否係癌?之前,,係好耐la,,佢切過2次息肉,我在想咁短時間會否變得咁快..?我dad係度想會否那時檢查得不清楚!!!唉~請help me....><""
回答 (4)
the best way for you is to do more research on that situation. consult a doctor. the best way to prevent cancer is vitamin D. vitamin D is a very essential substance for human body. i have been doing a lot of researches on the relationship between cancer and vitamin D. i see lots of studies that shows that there is a huge linkage between vitamin D and people that have cancer. majority of people who have any forms of cancer seems to have low vitamin D levels. especially for people with darker skin, people with darker skin tend to be more difficult to consumme vitamin d from sunlight. Also, in hong kong, there are lots of smog, clouds, sunblocks for skin will prevent our body to absorb vitamin D from sunlights.
what i recommend is that get ur mom to check on her vitamin D level. i think that is the best that u could do.
go look it up...
子宮頸癌.頭1,2期可以話係安全的.及早做手術就會冇事..但3,期之後就真係好危險...會擴散開去..你唔使太驚既..上一年有驗過咁1年唔會有咩大變化既......一年内發現的就算真係癌都係可以切除,唔會擴散.. 唔會惡性既.放心十萬個.....
從中醫角度 多數和肝脾 有關 看中醫及針灸 就可以 因經絡不通 下半身運動不夠 血液不循環 所以積聚肌瘤 加上年紀大 肝脾 保養不好 所以成病
你可買些教沐足 的書 每晚報睡前熱水浸腳 如懂可加促進血液循環的中藥 不過最好都是先請教醫師
西醫治標 中醫治本 但急先看西醫 後看中醫調理 西醫手術如無必要不要整個器官切除 因很多後遺症 只要把瘤切除便可
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