Does the Secret, or law of attraction work on relationships?

2011-03-27 11:54 pm
Im not talking about mending an existing relationship, but creating one. Lets say you met someone you really like, or know of someone. If you asked for the relationship to happen, and visualized it every single day, would it happen? Including positive attitudes, not doubting it will happen, and thinking you already have it during the process.

回答 (6)

2011-03-28 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Directing your thoughts, words or actions to attracting the ideal partner begins with self. If you love and appreciate who you are, you attract someone who is an ideal match for you. It is by bringing out the energy of what makes you feel great and energized, and noticing circumstances and people that make you feel joyful and loved, that is the key to manifesting your ideal relationship."
"A good place to start is to make peace with where you are in your life now by accentuating the positive things that are currently happening. This includes making lists of the good things that you like about yourself and your life, spending time doing activities that give you pleasure, like spending time with friends, running or painting, looking forward to where you want to be, and admiring and appreciating the traits in others that are most appealing to you."
"A common roadblock on the path to love is that we may, unconsciously, be focusing too much on what we don’t want. According to the Law of Attraction, doing this will attract you to those unwanted things because asking not to have something summons that thing up just as powerfully as saying you want it. ‘You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.’ It’s when you worry that you haven’t met that special someone or when you’re not even happy with yourself or how things are working in your life that sends out a “request” to attract the same things you are thinking about– all people, experiences, situations come to you in response to what you are putting out in the universe, per the Law of Attraction."
“The Law of Attraction is the idea that what you focus on is what you get. Like attracts like."

* Quotes from Attracting Love and The Law of Attraction Posted by hayhouseoz and also from bestselling authors Esther and Jerry Hicks from their book The Vortex.
2011-03-28 12:08 am
Well, I live in the land of wanna be hippies and I often hear "If you put it out to the Universe it will happen"

I think that it's actually self realization. You want something, you make a goal, make a plan and execute it. That way the "universe" will actually give it to you.
2011-03-28 12:28 am
My husband believes in the Secret wholeheartedly, he is always recommending it to people and doing copies for them. He believes the law of attraction is the most positive thing to have, its a fact of life.
2016-12-21 5:05 am
參考: Raise your vibration today
2016-04-13 5:01 pm
Do you resent your highly effective friend who owns a big home, a fancy sports car, and goes off on a family trip every once in a while? Do you believe that you are not getting exactly what you deserve regardless of working extremely hard? If yes, then you are not alone as there are countless males and women who feel the same.
Thankfully, it is still not far too late and you can accomplish everything that you have wanted from life with the aid of Manifestation Miracle, a self-development guide that you can find here
Manifestation Miracle has currently helped thousands of individuals. These individuals have transformed their lives and accomplished everything from success in business and lots of money to name and popularity in society and you too can be one of them. Just tune your destiny and you discover obstacles being remove from your path.
2016-03-01 1:27 pm
I've been spending time with the help of my son studying the laws of attraction then we discovered a great website at Miracle Crusher Tactic (google it if you're interested)
2011-03-29 9:02 am
Hi there sweetie, what a sweet question you have there, the concept of the law of attraction is that you basically attract anything you want in life. If you would like to attract a new boyfriend or a certain person in your life, yes, you can freely use the Law of attraction, the secret is how to visualize it correctly, if you were able to do it, the universe will surely bend to give what you desire. Everything is vibration, once we accept that everything is essentially vibration, we’re one step closer to accepting that in essence we attract what we have in our lives.
參考: If you have some time, you may want to visit this spot they will teach you on how to believe that you can, 100 percent of the time.
2011-03-28 12:13 am
It hasn't worked for me, I gave up.
參考: Just me

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