ECON 唔明 救命ar!~~

2011-03-28 6:03 am
An increase in the price of petroleum will lead to a decrease in
A. the demand of mini-bus services
B. the supply of mini-bus services.
The answer is B. But I think choice A is also OK.
我覺得petroleum 係mini-bus services既complement. 2者要一齊用先有功效。
我書入面舉既例子係the price of new car increases will lead to the demand of petrol decreases. 其實係咪要話the minibus service 上升或下降 先會影響petroleum 唔可以話petroleum影響minibus services既demand?

回答 (2)

2011-03-28 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
簡單問問, 白米加價, 你是否就可以食少d飯?

油價上升後, 除非你改乘地鐵, 或是「做步兵」, 又或者「踩單車」, 否則的話, 巴士, 小巴, 的士都會同時加價, 亦因此, 在人口沒有改變之下, 小巴的服務需求是不會減少的.
2011-03-28 6:30 am
increase of price of petroleum affect the cost of mini-bus services so that the supply of mini-bus services will be decreased. (affect cost of product)

In your example of car, price of new car increases will lead to quantity of new car in the market decrease, hence the demand of petrol is decreased. (affect quantity used of the product)

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