i don't know what to do with my life...?

2011-03-27 2:29 am
i think i've become a little bit crazy. i feel depressed all the time, every time when i have nothing to do...

i mean, my only one habit is play soccer, but when i played bad or didn't play a good game then i'll feel depressed.... i feel like i am useless and even feel that i should quit this sport... i know i'm an idiot, i know i should just to train hard in order to play better next time, that's what normal people would think, i do feel that way too. But the first thing come into my mind is just feel like i should quit this sport... i don't know how to describe...

and it's not only about playing soccer. but my life as well, i don't have a lot of friends... i really want one friend that i can really talk to heart-to-heart .
my grade in school is not that good, my average is under 70. that's pretty bad i dont know what college i should/can go... just feel lifeless all the time.....

what do u think?

回答 (6)

2011-03-27 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
*Edit ...and has to grades, well just keep attending, finish. I made some below 70s too, but the thing that gets me now is that I got a GED not a HS diploma. Oh and on applications they ask about your attendance or amount of college credits, never about grades.*
I totally know how you're feeling. But as to advice, well I don't follow my own advice usually or I might feel better. lol ^^' Look you're just starting in life, you don't need to rush to pick a major, just take basics. As to choosing a college, may be a few trips could help with that, and it could be like a vacation. Take your time. Many teens take a year off to travel before they start college. Spread your wings a little. Volunteer, join something that involves a group that actually gets together, not just plays as a team once in a while. I wish I had joined something like the Red Cross when i got out of HS, then I would've gotten that vacation from home, made good friends out of my fellow volunteers, and gotten to go and help people. Amazing. I'm trying to get my first real job, and was considering joining the Air Force. I don't like the idea of living in the same barracks as others till trainings over, but I like that I'd be part of a group and it'd be something to be proud of. This is similar to college, especially if you live on campus, and double if you have a roommate. You might make that friend at college. Also volunteering can really make you feel useful. I do at the animal shelter. Plus, adopting a pet could give you that one friend you need, and unlike people they won't let you down and will easily forgive you as well. And the other volunteers and workers will become your friends! ^^
2011-03-27 2:33 am
Pray to God about it..... I can say through out my life I have felt the same way to and I at times I wanted to kill myself but I can honestly say God has worked in my life and has brought me joy and peace that passes understanding!!! So Just pray about it... life is never easy but with God nothing is impossible
2011-03-28 6:52 am
I understand you, but there is no motive to feel depressed when you realize the power within all of us.

We are divine beings and there is a lot more to life, we just need to open our eyes to get a bigger picture.

We were meant to do great things, you can be anything you put your mind to. But you need to first decide what you really want. Deep down.

Learn about the power inside you to change your life instantly to the way you want it to be.

God bless!
2011-03-27 2:39 am

or help people in need
2016-09-17 3:27 pm
You overlooked 2: LIFE, AND WHY? God made you on account that He loves you. You have this kind of factor known as 'reason', that's why you're targeted, one in every of a variety. That makes you 'specific', specific to not me, who cares approximately me, however specific to the one that created you--God. So, having coming to this end it might do you such a lot well, to seek His will to your existence, and reside it to the high-quality of your capability. Good good fortune.
2011-03-27 2:31 am

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