i do. a lot of things. I wish my friend would come back from heaven. Along with my great grandpa. and i want my old life before i got surgery back in septemeber.
yes i have too^^
i want to leave america, i am from hong kong i miss my friends, relatives everything
i am not saying i don't like america, i am just want to live my life in my country
yes...somethings..but somethings are better if they are not with us because life gives something else, it replaces it for the better...yes for the better..even if we dont agree with this, even if we think life is harsh cuz it takes away our precious people or things, but it just gets better with time...even if it doesnt, it will someday....god knows what he does, he knows what's better for us even if we dont know it ourselves...
soo, its good if we let somethings go..somethings aren't meant to be, other things are...wait for those...life is about give and take...sooner or later everything comes to an end cuz nothing lasts forever...let somethings go, and keep an open heart and mind for the future...people and things come and go, its a test from god...its up to us how we handle these absence of things, if we keep patience and move on, they just might come back..(not dead people)...if they are meant to be, they'll return,if not,accept the fact and move on....smile!! =)
I want the following back:
Woolly Mammoths <3
My gerbils, Whiskers & Brownie <3
That I would get into art, not drama </3
That I would have never begun a relationship with several people.</3
That I would have never bothered with ____ & ____</3
That when I reported the boy with the weapon, I would have gone alone...</3
That when I talked to him, I didn't act like a 8!t(H! </3
The Grandpa I only saw twice before he left. </3
The Grandma & Grandpa I never met. </3
That I would have never gotten any online accounts, besides this </3
^^^^ That's where it all started =/
參考: SO Much More D:
I Guess This Just Teached Me Lessons; & Not To Repeat Mistakees.