Why do I feel depressed?

2011-03-27 12:14 am
Lately I've been feeling this depressed. I haven't done anything this weekend and I just feel like have nothing to look forward to. I'm a senior and I've always been the joker and hung out with friends in the weekends but lately I just feel depressed and distant from my family.

Any help?

回答 (4)

2011-03-27 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
2011-03-27 9:51 am
i have the same feeling too...
just feel like have nothing to look forward to...
2011-03-27 7:40 am
try being social u may just be bored if it dosnt go away talk to a doctor <3
2011-03-27 7:17 am
As 'uncool' as it might sound, I'd talk to someone about it.There's not a one line answer.

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