What do you do when you have nobody to talk to...?

2011-03-26 11:43 pm
Please do not mention God as a method of speaking to someone. I have already tried and I felt nothing back.

I absolutely have nobody to speak to. Earlier today, I attempted to call everyone I know, but it doesn't seem as if they are interested in hanging out with me. What do I do?

I need socialization in some aspects, but these is absolutely nobody to speak to. Nobody cares, I'm already at the brink of almost committing suicide....

I hope you guys don't mention volunteering or any sorts because it doesn't really work. Most people care about themselves.

回答 (7)

2011-03-26 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What do you do when you have nobody to talk to.....You thank your lucky stars for the pleasure of solace, of peace. of oneness with yourself and the absence of stress, mental intrusion and superficiality. Come on, an adult learns to be flexible, you have to know how to roll with the dice.
2011-03-27 10:04 am
There is a twelve step program for many problems with open meetings. There is a church with an 800 number which I can't recall, but they publish treatises as well. They will talk as long as you want for free. Somewhere must be a relative, a sibling, friend, guy next to you at the bar. Or just keep posting. Learn to dance, and go to singles dances in your community, lots of fun, and a chance to meet new people. Join ski club, hiker's club, runners' club. Call your community for suggestions for your age range. But to take it to the end of the spectrum is unnecessary. No one has a perfect life with no ups and downs. Maybe, you are having a bad day. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hang in there. Better times will surely come.
2011-03-27 9:55 am
just to be honest, i would talk to myself...
2011-03-27 6:55 am
Yeah, how DARE they care about themselves when those of us who care that they don't care are so carelessly uncared for? No I used to feel this too but I have my lesson on this one completed. It is called REACHING OUT, facing rejection is hard especially since the instances will outnumber those of acceptance in the beginning. That is why online is a great way to start. be open and share the TRUE YOU where you want to spend time, with those that you would like to become connected with. It starts to come naturally eventually and will promote your skills face to face as well.
2011-03-27 6:50 am
When I have nobody to talk to, I keep my mouth shut.
2011-03-27 6:46 am
Talk to yourself, go to a chat website like (www.omegle.com), find some new friends, or you could talk to me! I'm open to talk to you/ anybody.

Hope I hepled. :)
2011-03-27 6:45 am
do you have a lifeline phone number or something where you are? they are pretty good people to talk to through your issues when noone else wants to listen

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