
2011-03-26 6:30 am
Plurk系社交網頁:'( 防火牆應該冇block至系
但系我輸入plurk.com佢就會彈個"Internet Explorer 無法顯示網頁"
:'( 點算好

:'( 搵人幫下我

回答 (1)

2011-04-05 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案

I have just visited this website one minute before, and it can be opened successfully within 3 seconds.

I suggest you now to change another browser to visit once again. The problem is not about your Firewall or those anti-virus software, but the current browser setting has accidentally blocked your access which you can hardly locate the problem and modify.

To make it simple, I suggest you to use the second browser instead. There are lots of browser available, from I.E.9, Firefox to Chrome. I have such experience that some websites can be reached by one or two particular browsers only, not the others. You know, the scripts of each browser is different and it is not your level to check and to modify. Simply change another one and visit again.

Hope I can help you.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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