what about同how about

2011-03-25 11:34 pm
___about the time?
應該係用what abot定how about呢...?

但係我需要既係答案-.- 001唔好亂COPY野俾我就算:(

回答 (3)

2011-04-01 7:55 am
What = 什麼, How = 怎樣。
What about the time? 幾時? (要求對方提出)
How about the time? 時間方面呢? (徵求對方意見)
2011-03-28 3:00 am
how about同what about
兩個都係used to make a suggestion and ask for consideration

2011-03-27 19:00:22 補充:
how about=what about
參考: 自己, Wiktionary
2011-03-27 12:56 am
what about同how about如果個問題係
___about the time?

What time / what is the time ? = 什麼時間?
What about time? = 什麼時間好呢?


how about
I want a cup of coffee. How about you? = what do you like to have ? or what do you like to drink?

I will visit Uncle Tom on Sunday. How about you? = Do you come with us to visit Uncle Tom?

We will go to picnic on Sunday. How about you? == D0 you join us for picnic?
Do you go to the picnic too?

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