Japanese vegtables ??

2011-03-25 3:54 pm
The other Japanese vegetables have be polluted,
由於日本蔬菜受到輻射的污染, ( 這句我沒有加 due to 和 radioactive 不知怎加上去 ) ( 唔通唔要 polluted, 直接用 radioactive )
In order to ensure that our all vegetables are fresh, They are should check aginst from where.
為了保証我們所有的蔬菜都是新鮮, 所有蔬菜都要 check 清楚來自那裡.

Please check against grammar with sentences above.

回答 (2)

2011-03-25 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As many Japanese vegetables are being radioactive contaminated and order to secure all of our vegetables are healthy for meal, each lot of purchase should be verified the country of origin carefully.
2011-03-25 7:50 pm
Due to radioactive contamination of vegetables from Japan, in order to ensure all the imported vegetables are clean, very batch of vetegable shippment must be checked for its origin.


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