
2011-03-25 4:16 am
3)maths延伸修calculus and statistics定algebra and calculus好D?(我Maths得184/200)

回答 (1)

2011-04-04 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

I have checked in details the requirements for this post, and the details are as follows:

1) a First or Second Honour of Bachelor Degree in either Physics, Mathematics, Nuclear Science or other relevant university degree programme, plus a minimum of 2 years working experience in the related fields, or,

2) a Master Degree holder in Physics, Mathematics, Nuclear Science, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronic Engineering or other relevant Master degree programme, and

3) Level 1 or above in CLE ( Chinese / English Languages ).

In other words,

1) it is not a compulsory to take Geography. You can select Physics or Mathematics or those Computer related subjects instead.

2) Both Pure Physics or Physics + Chemistry are possible, although in my opinion, the first one is better for stronger Physics background / foundation.

3) Either M1 / M2 are acceptable.

Hope I can help you in planning the career path.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:52:48
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