
2011-03-25 12:41 am
香港歷史博物館館長(展覽及研究)林國輝接受訪問時說,博物館在○五至○六年間獲贈千多件紙紮品,捐贈者是浸會大學社會學系前教授施天賜(Janet Lee Scott),她早於七十年代從美國來港研究香港婦女的地位,後來被紙紮舖五花八門的紙紮品所吸引,認為可以從中研究港人文化習俗。林國輝表示,「施天賜在八十年代起有系統地收集紙紮品,並參與廟會,後來出書介紹紙紮品,成為十分重要的參考資料,她的紙紮品收藏多到堆滿屋企和辦公室。」手繪八仙風車栩栩如生林國輝說,「紙紮品燒了就無,而這些手藝都已失傳,所以好難得。」林國輝表示,歷史博物館介紹香港民俗的展區,明年中會展出數十件施天賜捐贈的紙紮品,而為令展出更加有趣,會加入節慶元素,模擬七姐誕時女士拜七姐的情景,展出拜七姐必備的祭品七姐盆。他說,博物館現時亦有展出多件紙紮品,例如神誕巡遊中運載神像的花炮、圍村添丁時用的花燈等。 2.

突破傳統框框 為何要放棄傳統竹紮的做法?阿志托著頭,簡單地答︰「要做的紙紮很小,用竹做不到。」不用竹,阿志只用卡紙、剪刀、鉛筆、膠紙、尺子和美工刀︰「我會先畫紙樣,一面砌一面思考,而技術是邊做邊學回來的。」 紙紮幾可亂真 作品層出不窮 不少偶像名人如梅艷芳、張國榮逝世,歌迷都會找阿志製作特色的紙紮品。Beyond的黃家強就曾請阿志做一支紅色電子結他,燒給已故的黃家駒,那支結他是阿志至今最滿意的作品︰「我知道很多人會來拍照,所以做得特別仔細。」此外,阿志還有不少精緻的作品︰「那最近賣出的魚竿是可以伸縮的。」「還有那些手袋全都可以拉開的。」鸚鵡、咖啡壺、雜果西米撈,都難不到他。甚至連去世的寵物他也照顧周到,傷心主人要他弄塊給狗咬的骨頭、給貓玩的小老鼠……一般貨品,即使是普通的波鞋、手袋、收音機和相機,阿志都參照指定型號的款式製作。 阿志做紙紮需要不少準備功夫,他會收集雜誌上的圖片,以便隨時參考。阿志對紙紮從沒有刻意經營︰「我一星期最多只能做一兩件,還要看心情而定。」一件花費不少精力完成的紙紮一下子被燒了,他坦言感到可惜︰「當然有一點啦,但畢竟我是做生意、要賺錢的。」話雖如此,每一件紙紮阿志都會拍下照片作記錄;對自己的作品,始終還是重視。紙紮變收藏品 憑著阿志匠心獨運的技術,他的作品更成了人們收藏的藝術品。他第一件被收藏的作品是一部灰色的NIKON COOLPIX3200相機,其後還有收音機和雜果西米撈。若知客人要是買來收藏的話,他會做得特別仔細,「當然還會看看與客人有沒有緣。」阿志的紙紮技術,為他帶來不少名氣。最近,連網上拍賣機構eBay也找阿志合作,在網上拍賣他的紙製品,並為顧客提供設計紙製收藏品的服務。 紮作成為收藏品並不在阿志的計劃之中,但阿志不時也會製作小禮物送給朋友,與別人分享自己的手藝。圓球的挑戰 技術的考驗 再強的高手也不是每次都成功,阿志也不例外。曾有顧客要求他做近年極受小朋友歡迎的「爆旋陀螺」,因為對製作方法毫無頭緒,他一口就拒絕了。他還面對另一個挑戰——製作球體的難題︰「小的球體還能簡單地用紙揑作一團來做,稍為大一點的就很難做了。」 阿志拿出一個未完成的模型,其中一部分類似一個半球體,表面的弧度未算完美。雖然用竹也能做到,但他堅持說︰「我不想。」其實阿志也懂傳統的紙紮工藝,每逢中秋節,他都會幫忙父親紮燈籠,但是對於自己的技術,阿志仍是抱著一份堅持、執著和自信。阿志記憶中沒有為製作困難而苦惱過︰「我相信困難是可以克服的,其實做每一件事都有難度,但只要有信心,一定做到。」 阿志下一個目標,是參照全城大熱的手提遊戲機PSP做出一式一樣的作品,望著雜誌上的PSP圖片,他胸有成竹地說︰「除了那些按鈕要做得較仔細外,不會太難。」店舖以內 紙紮以外 「除了做紙紮外,就是賣東西,或整理一下貨品。」每天都是在狹窄店舖內重複著同樣的工作,阿志坦言有時會感到沉悶,但在工作上,他仍處處認真。訪問時重陽將至,不時都有顧客來買祭品,每當有客人走進來時,他的眼神都會不自覺地落在店舖門外;有需要時,他會主動地尋找貨品,然後默默遞給父親。 阿志並不擔心前途,只專注於當下的事情︰「目前開心便可以了,反正我不知道明天會怎樣。」阿志不僅在這個傳統的行業中發揮自己的才華,他更在狹小的店舖中開闢了屬於自己的廣闊天地。

回答 (4)

2011-03-26 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

Museum Curator (Exhibition and Research) Lin Guohui said in an interview, the museum ○ ○ five to six years will receive a thousand pieces of paper offerings goods, of the donor, the former Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Sociology Professor Shi Heaven (Janet Lee Scott), From her early seventies of the United States to Hong Kong the status of women in Hong Kong, and later spread wide variety of paper offerings by paper models attracted to products that people can learn of cultural practices.

Lin Guohui, "said Shi godsend in the eighties paper offerings from the systematic collection of materials, and participate in the temple, and later a book about paper offerings goods, become a very important reference for many of her collection of paper offerings to the full of goods and family survive Office. "

Eight Immortals lifelike hand-painted windmill
Lin Guohui said, "burn paper offerings to free products, and these skills have been lost, so good rare."

Lin Guohui said Folk Museum exhibition in Hong Kong next year, will display dozens of facilities in the heaven-sent paper offerings donated goods, and to make more interesting display will add festive element to simulate the Seven Sisters Festival, Ms. while the scene thanks to Seven Sisters, display the necessary sacrifice worship Seven Sisters Seven Sisters basin. He said the museum is also displaying a number of pieces of paper offerings existing products, such as carrying statues of God gave birth to the parade of fireworks, with a lantern when the Wai Tian-ding and so on.

2011-03-25 17:38:41 補充:

2011-03-25 17:39:48 補充:
Paper offerings to the ancestors of the products, often impression that ominous feeling. However, in a paper offerings in the industry, young people - Ouyang Bing's hands, the traditional paper offerings have become commodities that people on the Internet auction collectibles.

2011-03-25 17:40:44 補充:
Break the traditional framework

Why give up the practice of traditional bamboo bar? Azhi holding head, simply answer ︰ "to do paper models is very small, bamboo can not do." Do not have bamboo, Azhi only cardboard, scissors, pencils, tape, ruler and utility knife,

2011-03-25 17:42:06 補充:
"I would be like drawing paper, one side thinking puzzle side, while the technology is learning by doing back. "

2011-03-25 17:42:27 補充:
Paper offerings are almost like genuine works of emerging

Many celebrity icons such as Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung's death, fans will find the characteristics of paper offerings Azhi goods produced. Beyond's Wong Ka Keung had to do a red, please Azhi electronic guitar,
2016-09-04 4:07 am
Hong Kong Museum of History (Exhibition and Research) Lin Guohui said in an interview, the museum between ○ ○ Liunian five to receive a thousand pieces of paper strips goods, donor former Baptist University Department of Sociology Professor Shi godsend (Janet Lee Scott) her early seventies from the United States to Hong Kong study the status of women in Hong Kong, was later paved paper strips wide variety of products to attract paper strips that can study from Hong Kong cultural practices. Lin Guohui said, "Shi godsend in the 1980s to systematically collect paper strips goods, and participate in temple and later a book presentation paper strips goods, become a very important reference, her collection of paper models more products to your home filled and offices. "Eight Immortals windmill painted lifelike Lin Guohui said," would not burn paper models products, and these skills are lost, so good rare. "Lin Guohui said on Hong Kong Museum of History exhibition Folklore, next year will be exhibited in dozens Shi godsend pieces donated Zhizha products, and to make the show more interesting, when will join the festive element simulation Ms. worship seven Sisters seven Sisters Christmas scene featuring worship seven Sisters seven Sisters necessary sacrifice basin. He said the museum also has on display more than the existing paper strips products, such as the birth of God in the parade carrying statues of fireworks, used during childbirth lanterns and other village. 2.
To ancestors Zhizha products, often have the impression that a sense of ominous. However, in a young industry in paper strips - Ouyang Bing Zhi's hands, but the traditional paper strips into a product that people on the Internet auction collection. His request made in the light of more detailed paper models of new products ︰ wheels can rotate scooters, scalable rod ...... Azhi with their own technology, innovative ideas, only to burn since the traditional ancestors offerings, for people to become art collections.

Breaking the traditional confines of the traditional bamboo tie Why abandon the practice? Azhi holding head, simply answer ︰ "do small paper strips, bamboo can not do." Without bamboo, only the tri cardboard, scissors, pencils, tape, ruler and utility knife ︰ "I Paper will be like one hand side puzzle thinking and learning by doing is the technology back. "Zhizha almost like genuine works endless number of celebrities such as idol Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung's death, fans will find the tri making paper models featured products. Beyond the Steve Wong had requested the tri do a red electronic guitar, burned to the late Wong Ka Kui, that support the tri guitar is by far the most satisfying work ︰ "I know a lot of people will come to take pictures, so do special care . "in addition, there are many exquisite works of the tri ︰" that recently sold the fishing rod is retractable. "" And all those bags can be pulled apart. "parrot, coffee maker, fruit sago fishing It is hard to see him. Even the death of a pet he is taken care of, the owner asked him to get hurt to the bones of dog bites, cat playing little mouse ...... general goods, even an ordinary sports shoes, handbags, radios and cameras, all reference Azhi Model Designation style production. Azhi Zhizha do need a lot of preparation work, he would collect pictures magazine for ready reference. Azhi of Zhizha never deliberately run ︰ "I can only do one week one or two, depends on mood." Spent a lot of time to complete the paper strips once burned, he admits pity ︰ "of course there is a little matter, but after all, I do business, to make money." Having said that, every piece of paper models the tri will be photographed for the record; for their works, and it is still valued. Variable paper strips with the tri imaginative collection of technology, his work has become a people's art collection. His first collection of works by a gray NIKON COOLPIX3200 cameras, as well as radio and subsequent fruit sago fishing. If guests know if you bought the collection, he would have done particularly carefully, "of course, but also to see the guests have no edge." Azhi Zhizha technology, it brought him a lot of fame. Recently, even the eBay online auction agency also looking for the tri cooperation in the online auction his paper products, and provide customers with design paper collection service. Do not become collectibles tie among the tri plans, but from time to time will make the tri small gift for a friend, to share their craft with others. Test sphere of technical challenges another strong master is not always successful, the tri no exception. Customers who had asked him to do in recent years, very popular with children welcome "Beyblade", because of the production methods have no idea, he flatly refused. He also faced with another challenge - making sphere puzzle ︰ "small ball can simply do a heap of paper pinched, slightly bigger would be difficult to do." Tri does not come up with a finished model , part of which is similar to a hemisphere, the curvature of the surface is not considered perfect. While bamboo can be done, but insisted he said, "I do not want to." In fact, the tri also understand the traditional craft paper strips, every Mid-Autumn Festival, his father would help tie lanterns, but their technology, still Azhi He is holding a stick, perseverance and self-confidence. Azhi no memory for the production difficulties anguish ︰ "I believe that the difficulties can be overcome, in fact, have to do everything more difficult, but as long as there is confidence, will certainly do." Azhi next goal is the full reference City hot portable PSP game made by one and the same work, looking at the PSP picture magazine, he confidently said, "except for those buttons to do the job more carefully, but not be too difficult." outside the shop within Zhizha "in addition to doing Zhizha outside, is to sell things, or tidy up the goods." every day repeating the same work within the narrow shop, the tri admits sometimes feel boring, but at work, he is still seriously everywhere. When accessing Chongyang approaching, customers often have to buy offerings, every time a visitor came in, his eyes will unconsciously fall outside the shop; there is a need, he will take the initiative to find the goods and then silently handed to his father. Azhi not worried about the future, just focus on the moment thing ︰ "At present we can be happy, anyway, I do not know what will happen tomorrow." Tri does not play to their talents in this traditional industry, but also in his small shop He opened up a vast world of their own
2011-03-25 8:11 pm
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2011-03-25 4:13 am
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