The difference of Do and Are

2011-03-24 7:56 pm
When to use: Do/Does you/he/she/it…When to use: Are/Is you/he… I want to have more example with different types, thank you very much!

回答 (1)

2011-03-24 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When to use: Do = I , you, we they
Do you know the way to the cinema?
Yes, I know the way to the cinema.

Do we have a meeting with Mary tonight?
Yes, we have a meeting with Mary tonight.

Do they come to the party tonight?
Do Mary and Tom come to the party tonight?

/Does /he/she/it
Does he know the way to the library?
Does Tom know the way to the library?

Does she have a meeting with you tonight?
Does Mary have a meeting with us tonight?

Does it belong to you ?
Does the dog bark at you when you ring the bell?

When to use: Are/ you, we, they
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Yes, I am coming to the party tonight.
Yes, we are coming to the party tonight.

Are you and Marry coming to the party?
Yes, we are coming to the party.
Are we going to the cinema?
Yes we are going to the cinema.

Are they coming to the party tonight?
Are Mary and Tom coming to the party tongiht?
Yes, they are coming to the party tonight.

When to use: IS - he ., she it.
Is he coming to the party tonight?
Is Tom coming to the party tonight.
Is she going to the cinema with us?
Is Mary going to the cinema with us?
Is it your cat?
Yes, it is my cat or
Yes, it is mine.

Am I right ?
Yes , you are right.
No, you are wrong.

Is she right?
Yes, she is right
No., she is not right.
No. it is your cat or yours

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:10:45
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