急...英文推薦信 請高手幫忙 謝謝。

2011-03-24 2:40 am
由於公司轉型所以被遣散, 我要求公司寫推薦信, 公司叫我自己用英文寫, 跟住俾佢蓋章 .....
不過我 d 英文文法唔好, 有冇人可以幫下我呀? Thanks

我係一間賣電話卡既公司做sales coordinator做左接近4年,
職責: 整d quotation同invoice, 準備每日同每月的report, sales賣完d野拎返舊錢返黎就收錢同去銀行bank in, 有客打黎查詢就解答問題, filing等

回答 (2)

2011-03-24 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以上人兄答的是面試用的, 不是用於REFERENCE LETTER正統的信有以下方式, To whom it may concern, I confirm that MS/Mr. XXXX , HKID # is/was employed as sales cooerdinator with this organisation from (date) to (date/the present day), and was/is paid (salary, plus bonus and benefits as applicable).Their job of sales coordinator carries the following responsibilities customer enquiry, preparation of quotations & invoices, daily & annual sales report and other clerical work like (describe briefly the job). (Your Name) is skilled in (English & Chinese typing , account software …..details of skills) and is also (characteristics - eg reliable dependable, a good communicators, etc). I would happily re-employ (Your name) as I consider him/her to be a valuable member of the team, who consistently achieved good results and delivers all expectations.Yours faithfully XXXXX_________Sales Manager/ General ManagerXXXXXXX( Block Letter) 俾多條LINK你參考啦!http://letter_sample.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=902298 係想寫REFERNCE LETTER, 你自己都要努力下…因為無人知道、了解你(幫你寫上信到….).如果你寫完想俾人睇, 可你以EMAIL俾我……
參考: myself
2011-03-24 9:03 am
I had be a Sales coordinator for Telephone Card company 4 years. My duty was arrangement the document, such as quotation and invoice. Moreover, I have to prepare the report every day and month. Deposit the money after sale, filing and solving the problem of customers also a part of my job.
參考: ME

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 17:24:10
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