Do dine together?

2011-03-22 2:36 am
This is a proof-reading question from 2010 AL PP.

When a family did dine together,they eat better.

Ans is to change 'did' to 'do'.

My question is:Why can't I cross out 'did'?Or am I correct as well?

Q2: When older people can no longer remember names,they tend to think their brainpower is declining.But studies suggest that this ____ is wrong. A) statement B)interpretation Why is A wrong?


Wow thank you so much for both of your detailed ans! I got another question: Around the world,HK products ____ wider acceptance by customers. A)are finding B)find Why is B wrong?

回答 (2)

2011-03-22 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

When a family do dine together,they eat better.= simple present tense

My question is:Why can't I cross out 'did'?Or am I correct as well? It is because the do dine - is the pattern you have to learn - how to emphasis the action of dine.

2011-03-21 18:46:14 補充 Q2: When older people can no longer remember names,they tend to think their brainpower is declining.But studies suggest that this ____ is wrong.

A) statement - wrong it is because people tend to think...... is not a survey or study.

B)interpretation= thought of thinking so it is correct in the sentence.

2011-03-23 3:06 am
For Q1, read it out loud, when you speak, like ling suggested, you need to emphasis the word "do". This is to show the importance of a family dining together. When they DO dine together, they eat better.

Sometimes a sentence can have different meanings if you put the emphasis on different words.

Q2. When older people can no longer remember names,they tend to think their brainpower is declining. But studies suggest that this ____ is wrong.

A) statement B)interpretation

In Q2, there sin't any statement in it, the question itself is telling you the answer if you read carefully.
"They tend to THINK their breainpower is declining."
This is what the question is asking. Studies proved that what old people THINK is wrong.(no offense to old people out here)

Interpretation is a process of thinking and then explaining the reasons/causes of such and such problems. In the question, "But studies suggests that THIS ____ is wrong.
"THIS" is what the old people think, which apparently is proven wrong.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 23:59:05
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