
2011-03-22 1:24 am
Q1) iphone4可以用國際電話卡嗎?

Q2) 打返hk和當地朋友作電話聯絡, 電話卡收費是否最便宜?

Q3) 只想免費上網是否只有wifi?

回答 (2)

2011-03-22 10:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1) Do you mean your hk mirco sim card 漫游?

Q2) I would recommand you buy a local pay as you go sim and top up value as you want, it should be the cheapest way to contact your local and make overseas calls
I m not sure where are you going to since Europe is big, eg. uk has lyca mobile they charge 1p for making hk overseas calls

Q3) wifi can be chargable. please ensure with the network provider. Generally wi-fi can provide free internet service
2011-03-22 1:29 am


我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^

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