
2011-03-21 9:57 pm

回答 (3)

2011-03-23 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實想提高英文水平, 只係記生字就唔夠, 應該係讀, 寫, 聽, 說都要下功夫.

不過如果想學生字, 你應該找本筆記本, 寫下以下的東西:

1. 意思
2. 例句
3. 自己再作多二三句相似的句子

仲有, 每日學的英文字唔應該多過20個, 太多係唔會有人記得到的.

你每日查左20個之後, 就應該唔查去看下去. (下一天再開始查過)

因為如果你選的書是啱程度, 咁你應該用上文下理都可以大約get到個故事講咩.

唔好以為唔查就冇用, 長期, 係可以培養你對英文既語感!!!

當然, 記住天都要温下之前記左個d字~
2011-03-23 3:16 am
If you are looking for a short-cut, I'm going to tell you there isn't any.

It's great to set a target for yourself but, I don't think you should rush it, especially when you are learning the basics.

Increasing your vocabulary is a good start, if you are having trouble then write it down, so you could go through it again if you forget.

Get South China Morning Post and read at least the entire news section at least once a week, write down every single word that you don't understand and then dig into the dictionary. Preferrably NOT English > Chinese dictionary.
2011-03-21 11:46 pm
Vocabulary is just one part of English language. Besides vocabularies, usage, grammar and structure are the areas you should get hold of.

Remember, english is not a subject. It is a tool for communication. If you want to improve it, use it more often.

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