BB 7個幾月每晚都哭有無辦法

2011-03-21 9:11 pm
BB每晚大約到1:00後就會不停哭and有d bb聲令到我同先生都無得好瞓, 大約到早上7:00. 請問大家有無好方法幫吓我哋.

回答 (2)

2011-03-22 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2011-03-21 9:42 pm
I cannot type Chinese, forgive me.

I have 3 children and they are all grown now. I can still remember those days as I love baby and I like to share with you.

There are many reasons for a baby crying in the night. If he is sleeping by himself and he is scare about darkness or too quiet... If the temperature too cold or too hot. If he is hungry, thirsty... Sometimes, just put ourselves into his position. He cannot talk to tell that he is uncomfortable and the only way to express is to cry.

Does he have problem poop that makes him painful???

Even the baby cannot talk but he can understand, talk to him....

Hope it can help you to understand your baby.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:25:28
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