
2011-03-21 8:24 pm

回答 (4)

2011-03-23 3:38 am
如果你想找到一份工作除了賺取收入之外, 仲想學到有用的工作經驗 & 個人成長, 你可以睇睇以下工作

我們為一美國NYSE上市公司, 為全球5 大營養食品公司之一, 巴塞隆那 及華倫西亞 足球隊的官方指定營養供應商, 現正力爭成為世界第一, 為配合業務拓展,

誠徵 業務推廣代表 及 顧客服務大使

工作性質: 品牌推廣, 市場推廣 及 健康/職業調查
要求: 有責任心, 有熱誠

2011-03-22 1:38 am
. Marketing & customer service
PART TIME - 一星期工作2-3天, 每天4- 5小時, $3000- 4000, 彈性時間工作, 不影響正職學業FULL TIME - 良好晉升機會及公司旅遊獎賞, Commission制, 月入可達20000上, 有公司技巧及心態培訓
* 不論任何學歷背景, 只要良好認真的工作態度均可!
填下面表格, 盡快聯絡面見機會表格 https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFJtb2k4TkNsMFFpa1JWME84MTJ3WkE6MQ
2011-03-22 1:00 am
1) 人事複雜,因為女人多,所以相對男仔就會著數啲。Technical嘢唔算難做,不過要細心,尤其做counter,容易收錯錢同check pasport比較麻煩;airside就成日驚board錯/漏客
2) HAS人事最複雜,據聞華航最好做,不過要有人介紹
3) 計埋OT一般12K-15K,如果夠搏殺去到20K都得,福利要視乎公司,都係不外乎醫療,transport allowance(返得早or收得夜),1折機票..等等...
4) 通常都係中五畢業5科合格包括中英文,英文普通話都溝通到就ok,唔駛特別資歷
參考: 我以前做Jardine
2011-03-21 11:33 pm
I believe we have better benefit working in US than those working in Hong Kong.

We call ground agent in US or different name in Hong Kong. I come to Hong Kong 2-3 times a month and come across them.

If you do not like people, this is not for you. They have to deal with lots of different kinds of people every day. Sometimes, you will come across difficult passengers or customers that you cannot take thing personal. Smile is so important in this job.

You can check company web-site to see the requirement. If you can speak other language, you will have better chance,

I love people so, working for an airline is great for me. I'm international flight attendant and I can travel all over the world.

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