Iron sulfate+ammonium sulfate

2011-03-21 1:29 pm
what is the balanced equation of the reaction between Iron (II) Sulfate-7-Hydrate and Ammonium Sulfate? :S

please help...:(

I dissolved Iron (II) sulfate-7 hydrate and ammonium sulfate into minium amount of hot water first before reacting them together :/ and I got green-blue crystals that has 7H2O in it :/ (well I did a hydrate analysis)

回答 (1)

2011-03-21 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no, supposedly there's no direct reactions.

there's double salt formed by iron(II) and ammonium -- Mohr's salt, ammonium iron(II) sulfate (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O -- which is a convenient source of more stable iron(II). however, it's NOT directly produced by mixing two respective solutions.

2011-03-26 17:05:59 補充:
according to some data, the (molar) solubility of either salt decreases after reaction.
that is, say, both saturated salt solution has concentration of 1M; after reaction, solubility of Mohr's salt is 0.8M, leading to presence of excessive Mohr's salt not dissolved.

2011-03-26 17:07:33 補充:
hydrate analysis is not always very accurate; plus or minus one water should be acceptable, taking experimental error into account.

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