if i was to fire a gun/rifle bullet into the air and it came back down if it landed on anyone would it hurt or?

2011-03-20 7:33 pm
i,m just curious to know this question as i have been watching the iran fighters shooting into the air

回答 (12)

2011-03-21 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
theoricaly and definitly yes! a bullet have initial inertial energy of E=0.5(M*V^2) when it gets shot, if prependecular to air it will goes up until all of its inertia energy expend to potential energy from earth's gravity (there are other matters uknow) equal to U=mgh, then it falls down to floor while gaining the same amount of energy from gravity, it hits ground with the same E and velocity, but in practice elements like wind and degree of fire makes the bullet fall somewhere far away! also some bullets explode after a while.
by the way, good question.
2011-03-20 8:33 pm
Yes, it can hurt. It's just traveling slower than it did a muzzle.
2011-03-20 8:28 pm
According to Myth Busters, the terminal velocity for a bullet coming almost straight down is a little under 100 mph, which usually isn't deadly. Now if it is shot at somewhat of an angle from vertical, there is still a horizontal component to the velocity and it can be deadly.
2011-03-20 8:25 pm
There needs to be a distinction between two trajectories here in regards to these nutbags firing their weapons into the air indiscriminately. The one you refer to is straight up. Once a projectile reaches it's apogee and returns it's path towards earth, it will be affected by three forces: gravity, friction and wind. Gravity pulls it towards earth with an acceleration of 27 feet per second. Friction, in the form of wind resistance, will slow the bullet to a point that it can not accelerate any more; this is it's terminal velocity. Lastly, wind will affect where it lands. The wind will move the point of impact but the flight will still be pretty much vertical. In this instance, a bullet would most likely be limited to a speed that if it hit you on the head, it would most likely break the skin, but not penetrate the hard bone that is your skull. I say most likely, because there are two other factors at play here: bullet design and bullet weight. There are too many designs to go thru them all but design will determine if a bullet remains stable in freefall or tumbles, so I will just make the assumption that the bullet in question will fall point down. That lastly leaves us with weight. A .22LR falling would probably feel like a pebble and wouldn't even break the skin. A 7.62x39 round that these goofballs are firing in their AKs, would most likely be as I described; breaking the skin but not the skull. However if you went nuts and shot a .50BMG, that heavy beast would probably have no trouble cracking your noggin, but I doubt it would be fatal.

OK, now the second trajectory, an arc. Bullets fired at a less severe angle will not come to a stop in mid air and then fall; it will continue thru spin from the rifling and maintain stabilized flight. These will have an arched trajectory and are very very dangerous. In fact, they can and have killed people.

So there you have it. Depending on the angle when fired the round could just hurt or it can be quite fatal. Either way, it's a dumb thing to do as the round will most likely come down a long way away and you will have no control over it's point of impact.
2011-03-20 9:01 pm
The answer is YES, - It has happened. Deaths have occurred. Some in Iran.
The bullet doesn't come down quite as fast as it went up,
(air resistance both ways), but it can still carry lethat energy.
2011-03-20 8:46 pm
It's still moving at a lethal speed. People have been killed or injured by new years gunfire.
2011-03-20 8:32 pm
mythbusters said the terminal velocity of a bullet isnt fast enough to kill. def still dangerous though and they said angled trajectories could have more velocity on the way down. still could hurt u, imagine if it hit your eye!
2011-03-20 7:49 pm
it has happened, but both stories i've heard in my local area, the two victims did not die. one girl was hit near the neck from a round that was determined by where she got hit, which direction she was facing, and the local land/water geography layout, that the round came from less than one mile away, shot up in the air. I heard that the other victim's round was a mid elevation miss which was likely to have been fired from a mile away.

Do not shoot into the air unless you're firing an AA gun.
2011-03-20 7:36 pm
yes it can potentially kill someone......

** which is why it is ILLEGAL to do this in the US and many other countries....
2011-03-20 10:33 pm
It sure could
參考: huh?
2011-03-20 7:38 pm
Yes it would it, like a small meteor coming down fast
2011-03-20 7:45 pm
funny u ask that they just did a myth busters for this sort of thing and they said wold it kill someone mayb hurt some for sure.

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