
2011-03-21 1:20 am
it is a pity that
A parent has a great influence to their children

回答 (3)

2011-03-21 8:49 pm
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Influence 1. 影響力; 勢力, 權勢[不可數名詞]Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是這個鎮上有權勢的人物。2. 有影響的人(或事物); [可數名詞] A parent has a great influence to their childrenPity 1. 憐憫; 同情[不可數名詞]The villagers took pity on the hungry travelers and gave them hot food. 村民們很同情饑餓的旅行者, 端出熱的食物給他們吃。She never asked for pity before. 她過去從未乞求憐憫。2. 可惜的事, 憾事[可數名詞][+(that)]It's a pity he missed the opportunity to travel abroad. 他錯過了去國外旅遊的機會, 真是可惜。
2011-03-21 6:14 am
You may add some words of measurement to the uncountable nouns.
For example,
a cup of tea, a bottle of water, a loaf of bread, an inch of soil, a herd of sheep
2011-03-21 2:48 am
Influence ( 是抽象名詞 abstract noun)

It is a pity that a parent has a great influence on their children

不可數名詞可以加 a/an 如果有一個形容詞在前

rice (是不可數名詞)

a rice (incorrect)

some rice (correct)

a lot of rice (correct)
參考: bilingual 英漢雙語

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