
2011-03-20 11:59 pm
為了大家將來能有更多的合作, 所以我們決定提供最好的價錢給你! 希望你將來會下更多的單~

回答 (3)

2011-03-21 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
為了大家將來能有更多的合作, 所以我們決定提供最好的價錢給你! 希望你將來會下更多的單~翻譯做英文:

As we want to have more business with you in future, we have decided to offer you the best price. We hope that you will place more orders in future.

2011-03-20 17:04:31 補充:
Amendment: Add "with us" to the second sentence.
As we want to have more business with you in future, we have decided to offer you the best price. We hope that you will place more orders with us in future.
2011-03-22 2:49 am
為了大家將來能有更多的合作, 所以我們決定提供最好的價錢給你! 希望你將來會下更多的單~ 中文翻譯英文:

For everybody to have more cooperation in future, so we decided to provide the best price for you! hope your future will place more single ~
2011-03-21 12:09 am
For everybody future can have more cooperations, therefore we decided that provides the best price to give you! Hoped that under you will meet more Shan in the future

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