
2011-03-20 10:59 pm
People still speak of living a Spartan life in English. What do you think that phrase means?

use english

回答 (1)

2011-03-30 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Agoge - Spartan Military TrainingSparta took twenty years to create the perfect Hoplite Warrior

In ancient Sparta military training was the rule, not the exception. Sparta was an independent---some say the most independent-- city state in ancient Greece. The citizens of Sparta were great believers in their state. Ancient Spartans placed the state above themselves and the state demanded soldiers to protect it. Those too weak to be soldiers were too week to be Spartans. When a young boy was born to Spartan parents the father would take the child to the council of elders. These old calloused and scarred veterans would look at the naked infant carefully for any birth defects or the slightest sign of weakness or sickness. If they judged the crying baby to be unworthy of carrying a Spartan shield it would be taken immediately to a nearby cliff off Mt. Taygetos and thrown over the edge. If it passed this first of many life tests then the young Spartan boy would be allowed to return to his parent’s home where he lived for six years. Then the agoge or military training would startRead more at Suite101: Agoge - Spartan Military Training: Sparta took twenty years to create the perfect Hoplite Warrior http://www.suite101.com/content/agoge-spartan-military-training-a15311#ixzz1I0EN6HOx

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