
2011-03-20 10:33 pm

“加了你的MSN這麼久都沒有和你講過話﹐ 你過的好嗎﹖”

回答 (12)

2011-03-25 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
C Mok had the best answer.

I've modified that answer a bit to allow for grammatical errors.

Original: "Have joined your MSN for some time but not yet chat with you, how have you been?"

Modified: "Have added you on MSN for some time but had not yet have a change to chat with you, how have you been?
參考: Me (overseas resident of 21 years)
2011-03-26 6:43 am

“加了你的MSN這麼久都沒有和你講過話﹐ 你過的好嗎﹖”

It has been a long time since we talked to each other thru MSN. How are you?
2011-03-23 4:24 am
中文:"加了你的MSN這麼久都沒有和你講過話﹐ 你過的好嗎?"

"Add to your MSN so long have not spoken to you, you were right?"

參考: me
2011-03-22 2:57 am
“加了你的MSN這麼久都沒有和你講過話﹐ 你過的好嗎﹖”
"Add to your MSN so long have not spoken to you, you were right?"
2011-03-21 6:24 am
Have joined your MSN for some time but not yet chat with you, how have you been?
2011-03-21 12:16 am
Add your MSN so long not have to talk,you have a good time?
2011-03-21 12:11 am
Added your MSN to be such long has not spoken with you ﹖
2011-03-21 12:00 am
It has been a long time since we last chat. How have you been recently?
2011-03-20 11:22 pm
Added you MSN so long and you said nothing, do you have good?
參考: Bing 翻譯
2011-03-20 11:18 pm
Long time no c! How r u now? What special have u done these days? I missed u so much.
參考: my brain
2011-03-20 10:35 pm
Add your MSN so long have not spoken to you, you were right?
參考: ME

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