About ICAC

2011-03-20 2:35 am
Help me!!

1. Why was the ICAC set up?

2.What does the ICAC do to keep HK fair,just and prosperous?

回答 (1)

2011-03-25 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong was in a state of rapid change in the 1960s and 70s. The massive growth in population and fast expansion of the manufacturing industry accelerated the pace of social and economic development. The Government, while maintaining social order and delivering the bare essentials in housing and other services, was unable to meet the insatiable needs of the swelling population. This provided a fertile environment for the unscrupulous. Many people had to take the "backdoor route" simply to earn a living and secure other than basic services. "Tea money", "black money", "hell money" - whatever its name - became not only familiar to many Hong Kong people, but accepted with resignation as a necessary way of life.
Corruption was rampant in the public sector. Ambulance crews would demand tea money before picking up a sick person. Even hospital amahs asked for "tips" before giving patients a bedpan or a glass of water. Offering bribes to the right officials was also necessary when applying for public housing, schooling and other public services. Corruption was particularly serious in the Police Force. Corrupt police officers offered protection to vice, gambling and drug activities. Law and order was under threat. Many in the community had fallen victim to corruption. And yet, they swallowed their anger. Corruption had become a major social problem in Hong Kong, but the Government at the time seemed powerless to deal with it. The community's patience was running thin and more and more people began to vent their anger on the Government's futile attempts at tackling the problem. For more information, please check the website below:

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:52:27
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