
2011-03-19 8:43 pm
我今年42了, 但唔知點解最近幾個月發現月事都比起上月提早6至7天到, 唔知點解會咁? 會唔會更年期提早到? 請教有冇高人指點下咁會唔會有問題?

回答 (2)

2011-03-19 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I cannot type Chinese.

Stress can be a reason. Of course some women will have menopause as early as early 40's. If you have a good hormone healthy, your menopause will come late.

Mine was just last year and I just had my 55 birthday. I did not even feel I had menopause because I take anti-aging health supplement.

Even if you are going thro' menopause, do not feel stress, just a stage of our life. Not a sickness. still need help you are welcomed to email me [email protected]
2011-03-19 10:34 pm

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