Less certain ??

2011-03-19 2:43 pm
If it works, I will take action ( 點解不能用 I would take )
If I worked hard, I would become a millionaire. ( 點解這句可以用 I would )
( 如果大家都是同樣 less certain 個 would 字是否有變 )

回答 (4)

2011-03-19 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if...then都有兩種情況,第一種是必然的因...果關係(會用simple present tense),另一種表達是因...果有可能的關係(會用simple past tense)。

第一句意思想表達:如果可行,我便一定會做的,而不是:如果可行,我可能會慮做。但如果你想說後者,其實就算可行,你也不一定會做,則可以用:If it works, I would/will consider to take action.(表達的意思用would是不做的機會大/用will是會做的機會大)。 但仍不可以寫成...I would take action.因為would所代表的「可能性」意思跟take這個肯定的動詞不配合,加起來會令人無所知曉你到底會怎樣。

第二句用would是因為全句都是past tense的記述一個事實或情況。並不是假設我努力,便會成為百萬富翁。這跟certain(will), less certain(would)的用法沒有直接關係的。

2011-03-19 10:13 pm
1) If it works, I will take action ( 點解不能用 I would take )= plan and will do definitely if it works.

2) If I worked hard, I would become a millionaire. ( 點解這句可以用 I would )
( would is less certain than will)

= You had not worked hard so you were not a millionaire. -

Would in this sentence refers to something already happened in the past but not planning. as sentence 1)
2011-03-19 7:25 pm

我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^
2011-03-19 3:56 pm
如果用 If it worked,那麼 I would take action 是唯一可選的呢!

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